Mirabai Starr – Calling in the Goddesses

$65.00$297.00 (-78%)

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Calling in the Goddesses offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available,

Mirabai Starr - Calling in the Goddesses

Mirabai Starr – Calling in the Goddesses

Check it out: Mirabai Starr – Calling in the Goddesses

A 7-week Course
With Author, Mystic Scholar & Interspiritual Teacher
Mirabai Starr
New LIVE Video Training Starts
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Experience the beauty, wisdom, creativity, transformative fire and compassion within you inspired by the energies of spiritual Goddesses from around the world.

Ignite a life in which you view all as holy and embody the Sacred Feminine in deep ways so you can bring your most sacred forms of service into the world.


You can’t help but look at the noble and exotic Goddesses of our sacred wisdom traditions with longing… to feel within yourself their strength, know the clarity of their knowledge and the tenderness of their compassionate hearts.

Yet, the truth is that the powerful age-old energies these highly revered icons of the Sacred Feminine represent are already within you.

They are characteristics innate to all women, and the feminine ways of being that we desperately need — now more than ever — to survive and thrive.

Many of us, however, carry our own personal burden — feeling, perhaps, that we’re not enough or we’re not doing enough.

Or maybe, we just don’t feel we have the capacity to respond to the desperate cries of the world (even of our own families or communities), and if we do, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Quite simply, we’ve forgotten the potent Goddess energies stirring within us

In this powerful new virtual initiation into unveiling and living the Sacred Feminine within you, beloved interspiritual teacher and mystic scholar Mirabai Starr will take you on an inner journey in which you’ll open to direct encounters with the powerful energies of spiritual Goddesses from diverse traditions.

You’ll discover receiving their gifts can ignite a life in which all feels holy and flows with receptivity, loving kindness, wisdom, creative spirit and transformative fire.

You’ll open the door to mystical experiences you never could have imagined, allowing in the love and embrace of centuries of courageous, compassionate and healing ways of seeing and being. And in the process, your spiritual life will organically expand, readying you to fully share your much needed gifts with the world around you.

You’ll learn how to nurture yourself, your loved ones — and the world. Mirabai will also help you balance your powerful Goddess energies, rejuvenating you and connecting you with your creative fire and spiritual passion.

If you are still and listen deeply, you can sense the Goddesses within awaiting your call… to help you live a more purposeful, joyous and richly spiritual life.

Meet the Sacred Feminine in Her Many Forms


Over the seven weeks of this life-transforming initiation, you’ll “meet” and discover how to open to the potent energies of 14 Goddesses from varied spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Native American.

You’ll draw on their powers, tapping into all manner of feminine attributes lying in wait within you — characteristics you may have lost along the way, unknowingly ignored, or weren’t yet ready to embrace.

You’ll be invited to live in close relationship with all of creation by Goddess Gaia, the primordial embodiment of Mother Earth herself, and to tap into the life force that runs through the entire cosmos through the Goddess Shakti. Each inspiring you to reclaim your wild holiness and the unshakable wisdom of your own body.

Through Goddess Radha, consort to the Lord of Love in the Hindu tradition, and Goddess Shekhinah, the indwelling feminine face of the Divine in Jewish mysticism, you’ll discover how to integrate your spiritual passion with your life and allow sublime love to permeate every aspect of what you do and who you are.

The Hindu Goddess Saraswati, with her multiple arms holding books and musical instruments, and Mayan Goddess Ixchel, who represents protection, healing and creation, will help you identify how your soul craves beauty and to embrace the untamed nature of creativity AND find your current — passion-filled — form of creative self-expression.

Through Our Lady of Guadalupe — an apparition of the indigenous people of Conquest Mexico, which unites the holy Mother Mary with Tonantzin, Aztec Goddess of the Earth, Fertility and Corn — you’ll cultivate your own co-creative relationship with the Divine and find refuge, comfort and support in the embrace of the Feminine.


You’ll “burn” in the loving, transformative fire of beloved Hindu Goddess Kali Ma, and know the sweet alchemy that unfolds when you abide in darkness like the Greek Goddess Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, to understand the curious difference between “becoming nothing” and “being unworthy.”

Through the bodhisattvas of compassion, Kwan Yin in ancient China and Tara in Tibet, you’ll discover sources of strength and hope to empower you to step up and offer yourself for the benefit of all life — and to find a healthy balance between personal spiritual practice and caring for others.

And Sophia, the feminine face of the Divine and the source of spiritual insight in Gnostic and Christian mystical traditions, and the Oracle at Delphi, embodied by the High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo, will help you discover the relevance of ancient spiritual teachings to your own life, and to the lives of those you touch.

Through your exploration, embrace and experience of these potent Goddess energies, you’ll find yourself transforming, both within (spiritually) and outwardly in your everyday life — an organic unfolding that may even take you by surprise as you start to view and experience yourself, your family and friends, the natural world and all else around you as holy.

You’ll start to perceive the world and all its living forms through the loving eyes of the Great Mother, the most universally revered image of the Goddess and Sacred Feminine. In essence, you’ll find your way “home” to the center of your being, the sacredness within you that yearns to be shared and that can nurture you and the world in the many ways needed.

The Importance of a Divine Guide


Your teacher and guide for this “calling in of the Goddesses,” Mirabai Starr, is one of the most beloved teachers of the emerging global spirituality.

Mirabai has written many acclaimed books on the great Goddesses and mystics, including Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Teresa of Avila, and she has walked a path that includes Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist practices — all woven together in a deeply honoring way. She is one of the most eloquent and passionate voices for the resurgence of the Sacred Feminine in contemporary spirituality.

An “interspiritual” mystic who practices vipassana, observes Shabbat, and honors all spiritual lineages, Mirabai will take you into the depths of your own Goddess energies, inspired by the beauty, wisdom, creativity, transformative fire and compassion of the Goddesses from our sacred world traditions.

This course is her offering to the Goddesses within you. It promises a profound shift at the core of your being where your innate qualities of the Sacred Feminine are seen, celebrated and empowered — and you are called into your most sacred forms of service and action in the world.

When you join us for this illuminating live video training, you’ll:

  • Reclaim the wild holiness and unshakable wisdom of your own body
  • Identify a particular issue of personal concern regarding the plight of the planet and make a commitment to action on behalf of the earth
  • Express your soul’s passion for union with the Beloved — through writing, chanting, art and deep dialog
  • Become comfortable with the unfettered, untamed, unplanned and not-always-practical experience of creativity
  • Find refuge, comfort and support in the embrace of the Feminine
  • Explore the connection between missing loved ones and spiritual longing
  • Develop the courage necessary to speak for the voiceless, even when it is neither convenient nor socially acceptable
  • Notice where you may be imbalanced between heart and mind, and find a healthy integration of intellectual rigor and dwelling in the mystery of love
  • Discover what it means to open yourself as an Oracle
  • Examine the masculine and feminine aspects of your own personality and invite them into harmony
  • And much more…

Perhaps now, more than ever, it’s important to harvest the bounty of the Sacred Feminine to guide and sustain us.

In opening to the abundance of beauty, wisdom, creativity, transformative fire and compassion within yourself — as inspired by the energies of our spiritual Goddesses — you’ll bring your own sacredness within OUT where it is sorely needed.

Are you willing to take this journey and be transformed by what happens?

For many, now is the time. Certainly, for our Earth and all of humanity, there could be no greater gift than to see the world through the eyes of the Sacred Feminine and to recognize everything as holy.

Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video


As a special addition to this course, Mirabai will be live streaming video of her teaching sessions so that you can have an even more powerful connection and transmission. This live video connection will be easy to use and will greatly increase your learning and transformation.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

In this 7-week transformational program, Mirabai will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to reclaim the potent Goddess energies within you and embody and express the Sacred Feminine in ways that can enrich your life and the lives of others.

Each weekly, LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to tap into the wisdom stream of the Goddesses, deepen your spiritual life and step forward in your everyday life to take sacred action in the world.

Module 1: The Whole World Is Sacred
Shakti & Gaia (May 17)


To see the world through the eyes of the Sacred Feminine is to recognize everything as holy. The masculine paradigm has traditionally divided body and spirit, rending the fabric of the soul. We have inherited a dualistic viewpoint that encourages us to transcend this world and strive for a state of detachment, which we have come to equate with being spiritual.

Gaia, the primordial embodiment of Mother Earth herself in Greco-Roman mythology, invites us into a living relationship with all of creation. Shakti, the life force that runs through the entire cosmos according to the Hindu tradition, is the quintessence of creative power. In this opening session, we encounter the raw, undomesticated, primal energies of the Sacred Feminine and welcome them into our own bodies.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Reclaim the wild holiness and unshakable wisdom of your own body
  • Identify a particular issue of personal concern regarding the plight of the planet and make a commitment to action on behalf of the earth
  • Develop a personal relationship with Earth as Mother, and address her as a cherished relative
  • Recommit to spending regular time connecting with nature as part of your regular spiritual practice

Module 2: Longing as a Portal to Union
Radha & Shekinah (May 24)


In light of the popularity of nondual teachings many of us have felt pressured to reject the yearning that burns in our hearts for union with the Divine. The great secret of the mystical journey is that devotion is the catalyst for connection, and the duality of lover and Beloved melts into an undifferentiated experience of pure Love.

Radha, the consort of Krishna, Lord of Love in the Hindu tradition, embodies sacred desire and evokes the poetry of the heart. The Shekhinah, the indwelling feminine face of the Divine in Jewish mysticism, is the essence of the Sabbath, and invites a true integration with the Divine Masculine.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Express your soul’s passion for union with the Beloved — through writing, chanting, art and deep dialog
  • Learn to integrate your spiritual passion with your life, allowing that sublime love to permeate every aspect of what you do and who you are
  • Explore the mythologies of lover and Beloved and why they most closely mirror the connection between the individual soul and her divine source
  • Commit to a regular Sabbath practice

Module 3: Creativity as Spiritual Practice
Saraswati & Ixchel (May 31)


When we open ourselves to the flow of creativity, we become conduits for the expression of the sacred. Our souls hunger for rest from the continuous demands of the analytical mind and to engage in beauty-making. It is no accident that many mythic and spiritual traditions depict the creative principle as feminine. In Hinduism, Saraswati, with her multiple arms holding books and musical instruments, represents the perfection of knowledge and the arts. Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of protection, healing and creation, helps spin the world into being.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Identify the way (or ways) that your own soul craves beauty
  • (Re)commit to at least one form of creative self-expression
  • Become comfortable with the unfettered, untamed, unplanned and not-always-practical experience of creativity
  • Generate a work of art to share with others

Module 4: In the Arms of the Mother
Mary & Tonantzin (June 7)


Nearly every spiritual tradition on the planet recognizes the Mother as the co-creator of the world and the embodiment of unconditional love. The Mother offers refuge from the storms of this life, soothing our broken hearts and calling us into community. Mary’s unique accessibility lies in the truth of her humanity. She was a woman who grappled with fear and acted with courage, who suffered a sword in her heart and extended mercy to all. Tonantzin, Aztec Goddess of the Earth, of Fertility, of the Corn, melded with Mary in an apparition to the indigenous people of Conquest Mexico and became Our Lady of Guadalupe, beloved spiritual Mother to millions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Cultivate your own co-creative relationship with the Divine
  • Develop a vision for building community, locally or globally
  • Explore the connection between indigenous wisdom and Judeo-Christian spirituality
  • Find refuge, comfort and support in the embrace of the Feminine

Module 5: The Fire of Transformation
Kali & Persephone (June 14)


We seem to undergo multiple crucifixions and resurrections within a single lifetime. Certain experiences bring us to our knees, and from this shattered space we are ultimately quickened with new life.

When we call on the Goddess Kali Ma, most beloved of Hindu deities, she takes whatever is in the way of our liberation and transforms it. This transformation feels like destruction and we burn for a time in her loving fire. The Greek Goddess Persephone is Queen of the Underworld. She too is all about descent and the secret alchemy that unfolds when we abide in the darkness, giving rise to fresh growth and sweet abundance.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand the difference between “becoming nothing” and “being unworthy”
  • Embrace the fire and allow it to transfigure you
  • Explore the connection between missing loved ones and spiritual longing
  • Affirm the validity of an entire spectrum of losses you carry, from loss of innocence to the death of a loved one

Module 6: Mercy Is Our Birthright
Kwan Yin & Tara (June 21)


The fearsome aspect of the Divine Mother is not the full story. She is also the embodiment of unconditional forgiveness and selfless service. The Bodhisattva Vow in the Buddhist tradition calls us to forgo our own liberation until all sentient beings are free.

Kwan Yin in ancient China and Tara in Tibet are the bodhisattvas of compassion who gather the broken world into their arms and lean in to listen to our stories of heartache and longing. When we weep for the pain of the world, these entities are available to us as a source of strength and hope, empowering us to step up and offer ourselves for the benefit of all life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Expand your conception of what it means to be of service
  • Discern between charity dispensed to those perceived as having (or being) less, and compassion based on the realization of our essential unity with those who suffer
  • Find a healthy balance between personal spiritual practice and caring for others
  • Develop the courage necessary to speak for the voiceless, even when it is neither convenient nor socially acceptable

Module 7: The Essence of Wisdom
Sophia & the Oracle at Delphi (July 5)


In the biblical literature, Wisdom is personified as feminine. Proverb 8 declares that “Wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare to her.” In the Gnostic and Christian mystical traditions she is Sophia, the feminine face of the Divine and the source of spiritual insight. In ancient Greece men in power flocked to the Oracle at Delphi, embodied by High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo, for guidance in both practical and spiritual matters. During perilous times when society is radically fragmented and the masculine paradigm falls far short of mending the world, the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine is needed more than ever.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Discover the relevance of ancient spiritual teachings to your own life, and to the lives of those you touch
  • Notice where you may be imbalanced between heart and mind, and find a healthy integration of intellectual rigor and dwelling in the mystery of love
  • What would it mean to open yourself as an Oracle?
  • Examine the masculine and feminine aspects of your own personality and invite them into harmony

The Calling in the Goddesses Bonus Collection

In addition to Mirabai’s transformative 7-week live online training, you’ll receive these powerful program sessions with some of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll discover in the course — and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Breaking the Rules & Calling Her God
Mirabai Starr Reading From Her Book God of Love


In this warm and evocative piece Mirabai shares her spirited and unorthodox view of the feminine face of the Divine, inviting us into an intimate relationship with Love itself.

Feminine Mysticism as Sacred Activism
Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Andrew Harvey


Andrew and Mirabai share the ecstatic sensibilities of the poet mystics they adore, combined with a ferocious commitment to activating personal spiritual practice on behalf of the world. In teaching together over the years, they have discovered a beautiful balance between Andrew’s fire and Mirabai’s tenderness.

Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability. He has written and edited over 30 books and received many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Mind Body Spirit Award.

Sera & Her Red Lady
Audio Session With Sera Beak


Sera is a dynamic emerging voice in feminine spirituality. Harvard educated with a heretic’s holiness, she lights the world on fire with her “revolutionary” approach to living an authentic life. In this dialogue, Sera will share her intimate relationship with The One she calls “My Lady.”

Sera Beak is a Harvard trained scholar of comparative world religions who spent years traveling the world studying spirituality with Sufi dervishes, Tibetan monks, Croatian mystics, shamans and more. She is a workshop facilitator and speaker. She is the author of The Red Book: A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark and Red Hot and Holy: A Heretic’s Love Story.

What Graduates of Mirabai’s Courses Are Saying…

Working with Mirabai is a joy! As an interspiritual contemplative there is nearly no one else who can so easily and peacefully pull together the diversity of threads from every tradition and weave them into a gorgeous and meaningful mystical blanket of holistic spirituality.
— Peggy, Kansas City, Kansas

…I truly thank my Lord who kept nudging me until I signed up for my first course with Mirabai a couple of years ago… The best thing you can tell others about benefiting from a course at The Shift Network is (1) the teachers who have taught me are fantastic, and (2) you CAN “teach an old dog new tricks!”
— Barbara, Camden, South Carolina

I felt such a deeper trust and acceptance of my own divinity through really opening my heart to the glory of me! This has allowed me to go deeper with my own personal connection to the feminine… feel this beautiful accepting mother in my blood pulsing, flowing, receiving and I lay my head into her and weep.
— Wendy Langille, New Brunswick, Canada

My attunement to myself is more keen and loving. I am more peaceful and trusting that there is indeed divine intervention in our third world realities. I look forward to any courses Mirabai will teach.
— Michelle Jurika, Piedmont, California

The course enriched me very much. It is heartwarming to know the fact that we are all called to union with the Divine no matter what our faith tradition is. We are just one. This is a celebration of unity among us.
— Maria Eulalia Banawis, Quezon City, Philippines

Breathtaking! (read awestruck). I am here to Be – Love – Belong in service and heal our world… even if that service morphs into a form I never envisioned. I feel grounded and incredibly grateful to be part of an inclusive, worldwide interspiritual community.
— Kathleen Gibbons Schuck, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Mirabai Starr has the unique ability to create and hold sacred space for others no matter what aspect of the journey they were on. I leave it feeling blessed to have had such a rich experience of myself and and grateful for having Mirabai as a guide.
— Laura, Ontario, Canada

The scholarship of Mirabai Starr coupled with her deep, loving compassion for all made for a quite wonderful experience.
— Lorna, Gold River, California

Mirabai is open, honest, transparent and willing to share deeply from her experience and her heart.
— Patience, Mt. Rainier, Maryland

Mirabai has the soul of a poet, the mind of an intellectual and a voice that opens one’s heart.
— Lisa, New Jersey

Join the Global Community


Calling in the Goddesses offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, in a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the live interactive conference calls — or in the custom online community — to support and learn from each other, while you expand your paradigm of reality and open your mind.

This international community is also at the leading edge of a movement committed to manifesting a better world for all beings, rooted in an open heart, it stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for life.

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Mirabai Starr - Calling in the Goddesses

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