Elite Combat Fitness

$45.00$149.90 (-70%)

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QUICK FIT Library which includes 6 high quality DVDs along with a highly detailed training book.


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Elite Combat Fitness

Elite Combat Fitness

Check it out: Elite Combat Fitness

Get into the best shape of your life with the new and revolutionary ELITE COMBAT FITNESS (ECF) training system. Elite Combat Fitness is a fusion of Olympic and Mixed Martial Arts training drills combined with modern military routines used by elite commandos to provide YOU with the ultimate total body workout. Developed by Moni Aizik, a former member of the Israeli Special Forces and founder of Commando Krav Maga, the fastest growing reality-based fighting system in the world, Elite Combat Fitness is designed to take you to your next level of conditioning. Moni has taken his lifetime of knowledge, training expertise and experience in the science of sports, and made them available to you in the QUICK FIT Library which includes 6 high quality DVDs along with a highly detailed training book.

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Elite Combat Fitness

$45.00$149.90 (-70%)

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